Minitex Cataloging, Metadata & Digital Initiatives Training
Minitex Cataloging, Metadata & Digital Initiatives Training
From Elissah Becknell
| 16 16 playsThis lecture is about the Library Reference Model theory, Resource Description Access description standard, MARC21 encoding standard, BIBFRAME encoding standard, and… -
From Elissah Becknell
| 18 18 playsThis lecture introduces library cataloging though a copy cataloging workflow. This copy cataloging workflow is generalized, not attached to particular systems or… -
From Elissah Becknell
| 13 13 playsWelcome Mankato State Students! This video introduces your instructor for the next 3 weeks, Elissah Becknell. You'll get to know a little bit about her personally… -
From Elissah Becknell
| 51 51 playsThis tutorial introduces students to OCLC WorldShare Record Manager, a bibliographic utility for finding bibliographic records. Students will practice finding… -
From Elissah Becknell
| 113 113 playsThis introduction to cataloging is designed for novices. Library workers who know the very basics about cataloging and want an update about the state of cataloging… -
From Elissah Becknell
| 52 52 playsHave you heard that CatExpress and Connexion Browser are retiring soon? OCLC is focusing their attention on WorldShare Record Manager. This web based bibliographic… -
From Sara Ring
| 38 38 playsHave you ever wondered about the mysteries of the cataloging universe? Take a trip through the basics and beyond, exploring the history, development, philosophy, and… -
From Sara Ring
| 53 53 playsYou need to find a MARC record for an item your library just purchased and load it into your catalog, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it. This virtual…