About PILL-Rx:
We are excited to host our inaugural session of PILL-Rx: the Practice Innovation Learning Lab for Pharmacy. The last few years have led to significant change in the pharmacy landscape: How do we maximize the change to continue moving in a direction that transforms pharmacy practice?
PILL-Rx will provide a shared space for pharmacists in Minnesota to learn from each other to expand and sustain the care pharmacists provide to patients and our communities.
Recording Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2023
SWOT Analysis worksheet: https://z.umn.edu/SWOT_Analysis
Feedback Survey:. https://z.umn.edu/PILLRx_Feedback_Survey
Pharmacy Models in MN Survey: https://forms.gle/zi3uxvStFVM77UA58
If you have any questions, please contact us at PILLRx@umn.edu.