ISGH Advances in Sexual and Gender Health Seminar
ISGH Advances in Sexual and Gender Health Seminar
The Eli Coleman Institute for Sexual and Gender Health at the University of Minnesota hosts the ISGH Advances in Sexual and Gender Health Seminar on the first Tuesday of each month from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. CT. The ISGH Advances in Sexual and Gender Health Seminar is open to all who would like to attend but pre-registration is required. This seminar series meets continuing education requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) and each one-hour presentation is approved for one AASECT CE credit. Please note that viewing archived video presentations does not count for AASECT CE credit. Contact to register to attend in person or via Zoom.
| 1 1 playsSexual and gender minorities (SGMs) are subjected to a myriad of physical and mental health disparities across the life course. Despite these profound disparities,…
| 3 3 playsResearch in trans and non-binary populations has shown the intrinsic nature of gender in sexual well-being, both with regard to social expressions of gender and…
| 4 4 playsIn 2023, 74 percent of U.S. adults reported taking dietary supplements, with 55 percent taking supplements regularly. Outside of maintaining overall health, popular…
| 1 1 playsThis study applied a risk and resilience framework to assess the effects of racial/ethnic, sexual orientation, and gender discrimination for Black, Indigenous, or other…
| 1 1 playsClinical training for sex therapists continues to focus mainly on cisgender patients and fails to provide comprehensive training or resources in how to support sexual…
| 0 0 playsSexual boredom is a common concern but scarcely addressed in research. The literature fails to explain how the construct intertwines with other aspects of sexuality and…
| 1 1 playsPolice are often involved in crisis response for acute suicidality among youth. Marginalized youth live at the intersection of systemic oppression (e.g., gendered…
| 0 0 playsDespite decades of medical and psychological research demonstrating the normalcy and healthiness of masturbation, self-pleasure remainsshrouded in misinformation and…
| 0 0 playsAn associated feature of CSB is emotion dysregulation (ED; e.g., Lew-Starowicz et al., 2020). Past research on ED and CSB has operationalized ED as a single construct…
| 1 1 playsWhile puberty can begin at early ages, most adolescents referred for gender-affirming medical care are age 16 and older. We studied 174 adolescents aged puberty to 15…
| 2 2 playsVaginoplasty is a gender-affirming surgery that is medically necessary for some transfeminine individuals. Little research exists describing vaginal health after the…
| 1 1 playsExisting research studies on nonbinary people are largely focused on samples of nonbinary adults. Understanding nonbinary identity in nonbinary adolescents and young…
| 1 1 playsSexual health education in the United States is inconsistent at best and harmful at worst, with much of it integrating shame-based messages that linger long into…
| 1 1 playsCommonly used measures of gender development are often not inclusive of a variety of gender identities. However, those that are inclusive often use language that is…
| 2 2 playsSex assigned at birth and gender appear to affect both the risk and acute complications from COVID-19 infection, as indicated in studies among cisgender men and women.…
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